Purity and God’s Word | Psalm 119:9-16
As we begin drawing near to the end of our series on the Psalms, we arrive at Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible. Psalm 119 is unique in a number of ways. This week and next week, we will be studying two of the twenty-two sections of this long Psalm based around the Hebrew alphabet. This week, we will see how Psalm 119:9-16 instructs us to value and appreciate God’s beautiful word because it teaches us the way of purity.

Godly Grief | Psalms 6
This semester we are studying the book of Psalms. This book is a collection of songs and poems designed to lead God’s people into worship of God both by informing their thinking about God and stirring their affections for Him. This series is not a chapter by chapter study, but instead we have selected 19 different psalms that expose us to the major topics and themes within the book. Listen in as we look at Psalm 6. This psalm is known as a psalm of lament. Lament is often a prayer to God expressing grief over the evil and pain that has marred God’s good world. Join us this week as we learn about Godly grief and why as Christians we need to embrace it.