Next Steps
We believe the spiritual life is a journey that consists of one step after another
Embrace Faith
A person is born broken because of sin and separated from God. Though this sounds like a hopeless situation, the gospel of Jesus brings about good news for sinners. If you are new to Christianity, we invite you to start your spiritual journey by repenting of your sins and believing in Jesus for salvation. Click below to find out more information about taking a first step with Jesus.

First Step Classes
We have two classes designed to be “first steps”—Gospel Essentials and Church Essentials. These classes are often led by one of our pastors and they involve individual preparation as well as group discussion. Gospel Essentials is designed to help people encounter what the Bible calls, “of first importance” and help them see how it is central. And Church Essentials is designed to help the people of Jesus know what His Church is, how it works, and how to grow in it. This step entails connecting individuals with a mentor and a group to study the material with.
When a person embraces faith in Jesus, the next step for him or her to take is to express his or her salvation through baptism. Have you publicly expressed your faith through baptism? Do you understand what baptism is? Click below to take a next step in understanding and pursuing baptism.

There are many questions and hesitations when it comes to membership in a church. First, what does it mean to belong to a church? We believe, like all other aspects of the Christian life, that the local church exists to bring us closer to Jesus and conform us to His image. How does church membership help in accomplishing this step and what are the requirements to become a member? Click below to take a next step in understanding and pursuing membership.
We believe God calls every Christian to help His body of believers to grow. Do you know your calling? Do you know your gifts and how to use them to contribute to the work of God? There are many opportunities inside and outside of West Windsor Baptist Church to serve. Click below to take the next step in serving.

God has rescued broken people and formed a new body called the church. The church is not an optional part of a Christian’s life, but a necessary part. We are created for community and can’t be all we are meant to be without each other. Take a next step in your faith journey by engaging in biblical community.