The mission statement of our church describes why we exist
Our Mission
We exist to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus.

Core values describe the prioritized beliefs that help us live out our mission
Our Values
The Gospel Is Central
We seek to teach the gospel with clarity, highlight its importance, and practice its relevance.
God’s Word Is Final
We seek to make the Bible the foundation for everything—bringing our faith, life, and source of truth into alignment with His Word.
God Is Worthy Of Worship
We seek to constantly and consistently acknowledge His worthiness through gathering and scattering as God’s people.
Prayer Is Powerful And Necessary
We seek to approach God with consistent, dependent, and confident prayer.
Growth Is A Series Of Next Steps
We seek to take next steps toward becoming like Jesus and helping others do the same.
Life Is Better Connected
We seek to be committed to Christian community that is characterized by confession, unity, and generosity.
Every Believer Is Called To Ministry
We seek to equip and empower believers to build up God’s people and be a gospel influence in their world.
Godly Leadership Matters
We seek to have servant-hearted, collaborative, and courageous leadership.
Leaders Must Be Developed And Deployed
We seek to develop people and send them out for the purpose of kingdom advancement.

The vision describes the dream of what could be
Our Vision
If the Gospel is Central, we believe that would look like:
Enjoying Jesus fully is everyone’s aim
People have a deep understanding of the true gospel and can easily spot counterfeits
Our teaching is informed by, shaped by, and fueled by the gospel
Jesus is considered the solution to every problem
People are fluent in seeing how the gospel integrates into their lives
The gospel is seen as more than just Christianity 101, and is embraced as the power unto salvation and sanctification
If God’s Word is Final, we believe that would look like:
The Word of God is held high and honored
People care deeply about knowing the God of Scripture and communicating Him to others
God’s Word is studied diligently and guides everything
God’s Word changes lives
God’s design informs life choices more than cultural norms or individual preferences
If God is Worthy of Worship, we believe that would look like:
God is treasured and valued above all things
Worship is fueled by knowing God better
Worship is a lifestyle lived out always
Corporate worship is Christ-honoring, relevant, vibrant, creative, and participatory
Corporate worship fuels our individual worship, and individual worship fuels our corporate worship
If Prayer is Powerful and Necessary, we believe that would look like:
People pray without ceasing, seeing prayer as life-giving
People pray specifically, bringing everything big and small before God
People pray boldly, believing that God hears them and responds
Teams rely on prayer for every decision and strategy
Prayer is prioritized in the corporate life of the church
If Growth is a Series of Next Steps, we believe that would look like:
Broken people find healing in the gospel, and become a source of healing for other broken people
Growth occurs in the context of intentional relationships
Spiritual health is prioritized over numerical growth
Next steps are clear, accessible, and pursued
Steps for growth are available for all ages
If Life is Better Connected, we believe that would look like:
Every person experiences joy through feeling known and belonging together
People bear one another’s burdens and care for each other deeply
People who have hidden sins find freedom through regularly bringing dark things into the light
Brokenness is welcomed and accepted
Generosity cannot be contained
Older and younger generations learn from each other
Unity is guarded, grudges are not allowed, and forgiveness is freely given
If Every Believer is Called to Ministry, we believe that would look like:
Service is prioritized over being served, and personal preferences are set aside for the glory of God
Every person learns their gifts and uses them to serve the church
People are regularly and enthusiastically praying for the salvation of those around them
People far from God are often getting saved and baptized
People learn to use their stories to impact others for Christ
The church is known in Broome County as a church for Broome County
If Godly Leadership Matters, we believe that it looks like:
The church follows a clear Biblical and strategic leadership structure
The church fosters an environment of called, well-equipped, and biblically qualified leaders
Teamwork defines our culture and strengthens our efforts
Leaders are willing to confront problems and wade into difficult situations
Leaders lead by example
Leaders make everyone around them better
If Leaders are Developed and Deployed, we believe that it looks like:
Training and development is a high priority
People have opportunities to make mistakes and grow into their spiritual gifting
Development happens in the context of teamwork
Great leaders are sent out selflessly to start or strengthen other gospel efforts
The church gives generously to support local and global ministries who care deeply about spreading the gospel