General Facility Use Policy
West Windsor Baptist Church exists to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus. We view our facilities as a gift from God and a way to serve the community around us. The facilities—which includes all buildings and lands owned by West Windsor Baptist Church (herein referred to as WWBC)—are available to the congregation and their families, as well as the community, for use as a meeting space and for recreational activities. Our facilities are free to use at no charge.

Restrictions and Conditions
WWBC will not allow use of the facilities for events that are not aligned with the church’s doctrinal statement. For clarification of the church’s statement of faith, see our Beliefs page.
WWBC facilities may not be used for any events affiliated with a political party, campaign, or candidate.
All requests for facility use are at the discretion of WWBC. Considerations will be based on availability, and agreement to follow the facility use policy.
The WWBC staff reserves the right to reschedule your function in the event that the space is needed for a church-wide event.
Facilities are available to be booked anytime that don't conflict with church ministries or church events. This generally means facilities are available Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., and Sunday from 2p.m. to 6p.m.
The person booking the event must be at least 18 years of age.
Recurring events are permitted. WWBC will consider each recurring event request on a case-by-case basis considering both frequency and duration.
Non-church related fundraising requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis
Users are responsible for adhering to all current COVID-19 requirements and guidelines.
No profit-making businesses or enterprises are allowed.

Usage Expectations
All signage, notices, or decorations must be approved by the WWBC Administrative Assistant before use.
Children must be supervised at all times while at WWBC and must stay in the room(s) reserved. Children are not permitted to roam around the building unattended.
Users are expected to leave all areas used in the same condition as when you arrived. Straighten up by putting away all toys, games, etc., and by arranging chairs and tables in the same manner as when you arrived.
Users are expected to close and secure all doors and turn off all electrical items (fans, lights, etc.).
Users are expected to remove all decorations and take all trash and recycling to the appropriate receptacles outdoors.
Users are expected to report any broken or malfunctioning items to the WWBC Administrative Assistant. If the user or party is responsible for breaking any items or property, we ask you to replace or cover the cost of replacement.
Users are expected to adhere to the time parameters that are indicated on the request form.
Conduct Expectations
WWBC is a tobacco, alcohol, and legal recreational drug free facility.
We ask that events and participants respect that WWBC is a Christian facility. This includes music selections, volume, actions, and language used.
Please be considerate of noise or activities that may interfere with other ministries, groups, and neighbors.
We do not believe the Bible prohibits dancing for Christians or portrays dancing as evil. However, we understand that some forms of dancing can be displeasing to God and distracting for other Christians. Determining which is which has been the subject of debate for many over the years. Therefore, we choose to avoid the controversy by not allowing “open floor dancing” in our facility. However, “first dances” are allowed at wedding receptions if desired.

Key/Fob Policies
WWBC uses a key fob scanner on major exterior access doors for facility access.
All fobs will have an identifying number, and a Key Control Log will be maintained by WWBC’s Administrative Assistant in order to track which fob is assigned to which individual. Keys will also be tracked in a similar fashion.
All keys/fobs must be obtained in-person by the requestor.
All keys/fobs may not be loaned or made available to others, except for family members over the age of 18.
Lost or stolen keys/fobs must be immediately reported to the church office.
The holder of a key/fob assumes the responsibility for the safekeeping of the key/fob and its use.
The Board of Trustees reserves the right to request the return of any loaned keys/fobs at any time.
If a fob is issued for an event, a $10 deposit will be required. This deposit is refundable and will be returned when the fob is returned following the event.
Keys/fobs MUST be returned to the church office in-person immediately upon (a) the end of employment, (b) the end of a church officer’s elected term, (c) transition out of a ministry leadership position, or (d) completion of the dates defined on an approved Facilities Use Request Form. Keys/fobs must not be mailed or left in the church office. The Administrative Assistant or other authorized individual will acknowledge the return of the key/fob and note such in the Key Control Log.
Outside groups wishing to use the facility will furnish a certificate of insurance for liability and property damage naming and protecting the interests of the church as additional insured.