The Davidic Convenant | 2 Samuel 7

We are currently in a teaching series called 2 Samuel: Broken and Beloved. 2 Samuel is a continuation of 1 Samuel—both historical books telling the story of the beginning of Israel’s monarchy. We are still observing David flourish as king as he walks in righteousness under God. The purpose of this series is to learn about God, man, and the hope of the gospel. This week we are going to study 2 Samuel 7 as God establishes a covenant with David. In this story David made plans to build a house for God. However, through the prophet Nathan, God tells David that he will not be the one to build the house for the LORD, but instead God will build David an everlasting house in which a king from his line will reign forever. As we continue reading the Bible, we learn that this chapter becomes a significant promise that God’s people anticipate and ultimately finds its fulfillment in Jesus. Listen in as we learn about how God’s plans are always better than our own.


David's Victories | 2 Samuel 8 & 10


The Ark of God | 2 Samuel 6