David's Victories | 2 Samuel 8 & 10
Over the past few months we have been in a sermon series called 2 Samuel: Broken and Beloved. This book has been focusing on King David—a man after God’s own heart—as he follows God and establishes Israel as a great nation. This week we will be studying chapters 8 and 10 and will see how the LORD gives David military victories against all his enemies, strengthening his kingdom and expanding his influence in the region. Join us as we seek to understand what these chapters mean for our lives and how they apply to our everyday situations. One truth we can expect to learn is because of Christ, God’s favor is shown toward Christians, promising victory over sin in our lives.

The Davidic Convenant | 2 Samuel 7
We are currently in a teaching series called 2 Samuel: Broken and Beloved. 2 Samuel is a continuation of 1 Samuel—both historical books telling the story of the beginning of Israel’s monarchy. We are still observing David flourish as king as he walks in righteousness under God. The purpose of this series is to learn about God, man, and the hope of the gospel. This week we are going to study 2 Samuel 7 as God establishes a covenant with David. In this story David made plans to build a house for God. However, through the prophet Nathan, God tells David that he will not be the one to build the house for the LORD, but instead God will build David an everlasting house in which a king from his line will reign forever. As we continue reading the Bible, we learn that this chapter becomes a significant promise that God’s people anticipate and ultimately finds its fulfillment in Jesus. Listen in as we learn about how God’s plans are always better than our own.

The Ark of God | 2 Samuel 6
As a continuation of 1 Samuel, we are currently in a teaching series called 2 Samuel: Broken and Beloved. The purpose of this series is to learn about God, man, and the hope of the gospel. This week we are going to study 2 Samuel 6 and focus on the Ark of God. In this story we will observe how the Ark of God was moved to the city of David, which brought great joy and blessing. However, we will also see that when the Ark was treated with presumption, one of the attendants was killed for his error. Listen in as we learn about God’s goodness and holiness. Both are great blessings, but particularly His holiness can be dangerous for sinful people.

David Becomes King | 2 Samuel 5
We are currently in a teaching series called 2 Samuel: Broken and Beloved. Following the story of David, the purpose of this series is to learn about God, man, and the hope of the gospel. This week we are going to study 2 Samuel 5 and witness how David united the tribes and was appointed king over all of Israel. We will see how David’s flourishing included establishing his home in Jerusalem, growing great in the eyes of others, and having success in his military endeavors. Listen in as we study this passage and learn about the blessing that comes from obedience to God.

Ish-bosheth’s Decline | 2 Samuel 3-4
Several weeks ago we started a series called 2 Samuel: Broken and Beloved. This Old Testament book focuses on David—the man after God’s own heart—as he becomes king. We are currently in the first part of the book, observing David's flourishing as he obeys God. This week we are going to study 2 Samuel 3-4 and witness Ish-bosheth’s decline. During the war between the two kingdoms, we will observe how David grew stronger and Ish-bosheth grew weaker. We will also see how God used Saul’s general Abner to transfer the power from Ish-bosheth to David. This part of the story ends with Ish-bosheth’s assassination which prepared the way for David to unite Israel under his rule. Listen in as we learn about God’s sovereignty, faithfulness, righteousness, and mystery.

War for the Throne | 2 Samuel 2
We are currently in a teaching series called 2 Samuel: Broken and Beloved. In this book, the author focuses on David—the man after God’s own heart—as he becomes king. We see his flourishing as he obeys God, we see his decline as he disobeys, we observe the consequences that follow, and God’s mercy throughout. Most of all, we see how David points to a need for a greater king who will bring spiritual healing to His people. The purpose of this series is to learn about God, man, and the hope of the gospel. This week we are going to study 2 Samuel 2, where upon the news of Saul’s death, David was finally appointed the king of Judah at Hebron. However, not all of Israel embraced him as their king. Instead, Ish-bosheth—Saul’s son—became the king over Israel and war raged between the tribes. The problem was that God had rejected Saul and his sons as the future of Israel’s monarchy and instead chose David. Join us this week as we learn about the consequences of disobedience and division.

David’s Lamentation | 2 Samuel 1
Recently, we have started a new series called 2 Samuel: Broken and Beloved. We are learning that 2 Samuel is a continuation of 1 Samuel. In this part of the story, the author focuses on David—the man after God’s own heart—as he becomes king. We see his flourishing as he obeys God, we see his decline as he disobeys, we observe the consequences that follow, and God’s mercy throughout. Most of all, we see how David points to a need for a greater king who will bring spiritual healing to His people. The purpose of this series is to learn about God, man, and the hope of the gospel. This week, we are going to study 2 Samuel 1 and observe the time when David learns about Saul’s death. We are going to see his attitude and reaction to the death of his enemy. Join us this week as we learn how to encounter death and pain in our lives.

Introduction of 2 Samuel
We are starting a new series called 2 Samuel: Broken and Beloved. 2 Samuel is a continuation of 1 Samuel—both historical books telling the story of the beginning of Israel’s monarchy. In this part of the story, the author focuses on David—the man after God’s own heart—as he becomes king. We see his flourishing as he obeys God, we see his decline as he disobeys, we observe the consequences that follow, and God’s mercy throughout. The purpose of this series is to learn about God, man, and the need for the gospel. Listen in for our introduction as we recap and preview. Specifically, we will be reminded of the biblical story up to this point: that despite human sin, God has promised to send a king into the human story to save sinners, and in 2 Samuel we get another big clue for that promise.