Confession And Repentance | Psalm 51
One of the great attributes of the Bible is its variety. It is made up of many different types of writing styles—it has storytelling, principles to live by, and some of it is poetry. God, in His infinite wisdom, knew that we needed all different types. Psalms is one of the poetic books in the Bible given to God’s people in order to teach them about Him and stir their affections for Him. This was often done through songs of praise and songs of lament. As we continue our study on the Psalms, this week we will turn our attention to a psalm of confession. Rather than the normal happy song, David provides a somber poem—a psalm focused on the grief over his sin. David’s confession and repentance provides an important example that Christians still need to follow. Listen in as we study Psalm 51 and learn the important role confession and repentance is meant to play in our lives.