War for the Throne | 2 Samuel 2
We are currently in a teaching series called 2 Samuel: Broken and Beloved. In this book, the author focuses on David—the man after God’s own heart—as he becomes king. We see his flourishing as he obeys God, we see his decline as he disobeys, we observe the consequences that follow, and God’s mercy throughout. Most of all, we see how David points to a need for a greater king who will bring spiritual healing to His people. The purpose of this series is to learn about God, man, and the hope of the gospel. This week we are going to study 2 Samuel 2, where upon the news of Saul’s death, David was finally appointed the king of Judah at Hebron. However, not all of Israel embraced him as their king. Instead, Ish-bosheth—Saul’s son—became the king over Israel and war raged between the tribes. The problem was that God had rejected Saul and his sons as the future of Israel’s monarchy and instead chose David. Join us this week as we learn about the consequences of disobedience and division.